Dakoteyah Wogdaka!
Talk Dakota!

Lesson 7

Aηpetu Iyohi Iapi
(everyday words)

Tuwe (who)Dena (these)
Toketu/toked (how)Iye (they)
Toka (why)Hećiya/kakiya/hed (there)
Tokiya (where)Etaηhaη (from)
Taku (what)Ekta/ed (at)
Tohaη (when)Oηǵe (some)
Tukte (which)Iyuha/owasiη (all)
Tukted/tokiya (somewhere)Tokata (future)
Ohiηna (always)Hekta/ehaηna (past, long ago)
Tohiηnaśni (never)Ya/iya/iyaye (go, went, gone)
Waηćanaη (once)U (come)
Ećanaη (soon)Ku/h́di (return, returned)
Kiη (the)Opetoη/wopetoη (buy, shop)
Ka/na/nakuη (and)Kaźuźu/wokaźuźu (pay, payment)
Kaiś/naiś (or)Kaǵapa (drive)
Kiηhaη (if)Mani (walk)
Tuka/tka/tkaiś (but)Omani (travel)
Eśa (though)Oh́na/imahed (in, inside)
Nakuη (also, and, too)Akaη (on)
Waηna (now)Heće (so)
Hehaη/ehaηtuyaη (then)
Ehaηtu (at that time)
Ićaη (just then, in the meantime)
Tohuηtu/tuktekted (sometime, sometimes)
He (that)
De (this)
Hena (those)